#1 GoDaddy.com - Home of the $1.99 domain name

Domain Name Giveaway with Domain Mass Development Purchase

Well, DomainMassDevelopment.com is running an awesome special between now and the end of the month. Buy a 10 domain development package for $999 and they will give you a full 10 extra websites for free. For those that flunked out of math class, that's $50 per mini-site. But not everyone wants a mini-site. And maybe you are still on the fence, so to give you yet another reason to start developing your sites in bulk, I'm giving away one of the following domains when you purchase any Domain Mass Development package through my affiliate link. That's right. Whether you'd rather have one of their more advanced single site development packages or if you want to take advantage of the 20 sites for $999 deal going on between now and the end of the month, you are qualified for one of the following domains. Just send an email to andrew at utterdomain.com with your PayPal Transaction ID once you've purchased the package through this link and tell me which domain you want from the list. First come, first serve. These are great names and will likely pay for the entire purchase.

So what are the names?
  • BeachfrontCondo.info - 27,100 searches a month in the US

  • BeachfrontHotels.us - 110,000 searches a month in the US

  • Sprouter.info - Estibot value of $420

  • CarMagnet.us - Estibot value $210

  • WoodBoxes.us - Estibot value $230

  • FridgeMagnets.us - Estibot value $240

  • WebConnect.org - Estibot value $160. Great Brandable service name

  • WaterFiltrationSystems.info - 60k monthly searches at $5 a click!

  • VideoEditors.info - Estibot value $240

  • How-to-Franchise.com - 27k monthly searches at $10+ a click!

This is a limited time offer and these names won't last long, so head over to DomainMassDevelopment.com and order today!

legal disclaimer: must have valid proof of purchase delivered to andrew at utterdomain.com prior to July 1st, 2009. valid for new purchases using the affiliate link/site above only with a total purchase price of $999 or more. 1 domain per person. if you select a .us domain you must meet the requirements in order for it to be transferred. first come first serve. must have valid go daddy account in order to receive push.

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